I've been taking things a bit slower now that I'm almost 37 weeks pregnant, so I apologize for my sporadic blog posts. I cannot believe how quickly the third trimester has gone by!
And when time seems to be moving so quickly, I love to look at processes that require slow patience and a lot of time. It's one of the reasons why I love crocheting the Malachos so much. The time necessary to create a beautiful piece forces me to slow down life and really enjoy the small moments. Much like Scotland's Harris Tweed.
My husband actually sent me over this article from The Week that describes the process behind Harris Tweed and mentions that there is even a law that prohibits any automated machinery in its making. Isn't that beautiful?
I was so inspired by the article that it has made me want to get back into weaving. I recommend everyone to go read it. Now, who wants to buy me a loom?